Wakulla County Economic Development Council
On behalf of Wakulla’s Economic Development Council, I would like to thank many of you for attending the lunch and learn event on January 29th and all of you for your goal of promoting commerce here in Wakulla. Those who attended learned about the many ways our county government and school system are improving business prospects here, and about the two EDC projects that will diversify our economy and improve commerce for the entire business community. These two projects, Boomer and Safety, will net about 400 new manufacturing jobs with average salaries of $53,000 per year. While this could be a game-changer for us all, we need your help in two ways! First, we need letters of support e-mailed to us by February 14th, a draft is attached for transfer to your letterhead. We would also like to encourage you to join EDC. We are funded as a public-private partnership, many EDC’s are government agencies, we are proud as citizens of Wakulla County to break that mold and take a stake in our own future and we hope you will join us. Thank you for your help!
John Shuff
President Wakulla EDC